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Felicia’s story with NLCA is infused with hope. Coming from a toxic relationship, she felt trapped and unsure of where to turn. One Saturday, she came to NLCA for food services and found herself in the middle of a domestic abuse incident. Unsure of what to do, she felt a voice telling her to stay at the church, and that’s when our team stepped in.

With the support of New Life’s security and local police, Felicia found immediate safety. Michael Bryant and the NLCA team acted quickly, placing her in a motel for a few days and then in a domestic violence shelter where she could start to think about her future. Even without a car, she made it back to DeKalb and stayed at our warming station while working and planning her next steps.

Our amazing case managers, Tammy Stanton and her team, helped Felicia secure housing and a car for work. She feels like God and NLCA guided her every step of the way. Today, Felicia has her own apartment, a job, and is taking care of her health. She’s also joining the church community!

Felicia’s journey reminds us of why we do what we do at NLCA. We’re here to provide support, hope, and a path forward for those in need.