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Chef Ray MaracnosRay Maracnos, a client at the warming station, has started an exciting journey towards a better future. Despite facing tough times, Ray landed a job as a chef, marking a big step forward in his life.

There was one minor snag – Ray needed specific items to start his new job. He needed a chef’s jacket, slip resistant shoes, and a Marta card to get to work. When NLCA heard about Ray’s needs, the team was quick to step in and help – providing him with free clothing from the Garments of Grace clothing store, ordering him a jacket and shoes from Amazon, and purchasing a 30-day Marta card so he can travel to work without worries. Ray is saving his money to move into housing when the warming station closes at the end of March. NLCA will be ready to help him pay first month’s rent and deposit if he has not saved enough.

“We stand committed to addressing urgent needs in our community,” said NLCA’s Chief Operating Officer Michael Bryant. “We believe everyone, like Mr. Maracnos, can have a great future. By meeting his basic needs we empower him to be successful on his journey to transform his life and we’re more than happy to do it.”

Ray’s story shows how support from the community can make a huge difference. Even when times are tough, he’s pushing forward to make a better life for himself. NLCA’s assistance in meeting practical needs is proof of our commitment to helping people like Ray succeed.

As Ray starts this new chapter, the NLCA community is there to support him every step of the way. Kindness and action is changing lives, giving people like Ray the chance to chase their dreams and reach for a brighter future.

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