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At New Life Community Alliance (NLCA), we believe in the power of partnerships to drive meaningful change. Our longstanding collaboration with the United Way of Greater Atlanta exemplifies this belief, and together, we’re making a significant impact through the Motel to Home program.

Thanks to a generous $150,000 grant from the United Way, our efforts to provide permanent housing for families in need have seen remarkable success. So far in 2024, we have secured stable and secure homes for 33 families. This achievement represents more than just providing a roof over their heads—it’s about offering a foundation upon which families can build brighter futures and contribute to stronger, more resilient communities.

The Motel to Home program is designed to transition families from temporary motel stays to permanent housing, addressing not only the immediate need for shelter but also fostering long-term stability and growth. By providing these families with stable living conditions, we are helping them access essential resources, secure employment, and create a nurturing environment for their children.

This initiative is a testament to what can be achieved when organizations like NLCA and the United Way of Greater Atlanta come together with a shared mission to uplift and empower communities. Each family’s journey to their new home is a step toward a more stable and hopeful future, and we are honored to be part of that journey.

Our work is far from over. The need for affordable and stable housing remains significant, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to support more families. As we move forward, we are grateful for the support of our partners and the community members who make these programs possible.

Together, we are not just providing housing; we are creating opportunities for families to thrive and for communities to flourish. Thank you to everyone who has supported this vital work. Here’s to many more successes and continued progress as we work toward a future where every family has a place to call home.